Theme: Rooted & Ground in Love
Topic: God's Love Keeps Lifting Us Higher and Higher
Valentine’s Day 2021
It was such a joy to return to Jubilee! Community Church in Asheville, NC. This time I was there to deliver the message—via Zoom. I had visited once before, with my uncle Allen and his lovely wife, Lynn, longtime members, in 2011 while in town for The Hunger Games shoot. It's hard to believe Allen made his transition one year ago. Sending blessings of love to him from this side of the veil.
The spiritual community notes on its website:
We are a faith community grounded in the tenet of “original blessing” uniquely flavored with Asheville’s culture of creativity, music and quirkiness. Strongly committed to social and environmental justice, we work together to make the world a more inclusive place.
More evidence that everything is connected, a synchronicity or synergy I’ve dubbed “SpiritKnit”: The concept of “original blessing” was fostered by Rev. Matthew Fox, who conceived Creation Spirituality. I profiled Rev. Fox for People and he has said some powerful things about SACRED LANDSCAPES of the SOUL.
I'm truly grateful for Rev. Laura Collins’ invitation to speak, and the congregation’s warm embrace, as evidenced by the comments posted in the Chat (see red copy).
Below watch the Jubilee! choir sing one of my favorite songs, “Seasons of Love,” from Rent (near the the 32-minute mark) followed by my talk. Some more SpiritKnit: I reported on creator Jonathan Larson’s sudden death the morning of Rent’s first preview performance Off Broadway in 1996. (You can watch the entire service here.)
Gorgeous—so inspiring!
Beautiful, powerful message of love!
Karen, that was fabulous. Thank you!
Perfect message for today—and every day!
Wow! Thank you so much, Karen. You are an inspiration and your love is evident.
Thank you so much, Karen, for inspiring us to remember how God-Love keeps lifting us higher.
Each time we forget we get to come back home again to God’s Love.
What profound Truth!
Los Angeles is lucky!
Please come visit Jubilee!!!!! ASAP :)
Karen, Wow! The light is IN the tunnel!
Thanx, Karen, for telling us just what we needed to hear! :-) Blessings to you!
Thank you, Karen. I love you ~ Lynn