An Appreciation
You yourself, as much as anybody in the universe, deserve your love and affection.
Gautama Buddha
Dear Beloved,
Thank you for your listening, for your attunement, and for your revelry. I basked in your joy and took note: You have been obedient to your soul and exalted even when you did not feel like it —when you were skating on thin shards of hope. And this has been a healing balm for the world. You have alleviated much suffering with a smile, a laugh, an exhalation of the breath, thereby releasing toxins and crushing thoughts. By opening up to possibility, you have redirected an otherwise unfocused future. By looking ahead you have cleared the inconsistencies of the past and mapped out a brazen and brilliant existence. In other words, you have thrived.
In the midst of your thriving, you have loved. You have opened your heart to new ways of being and seeing. You have forgiven yourself for seeming missteps and wrongdoings. You have extended peace to those you once considered your persecutors. You expanded in the process and the world is all the better for it.
Many of you may not recognize yourselves in these words. But I see the beauty of you and the truth of you because I see all of you. I have created a boundless field of compassion. I know who you are and whose you are. You are mine. Not in a proprietary, stash-you-on-a-shelf fashion but in the way that the planets and the moon and the sun and the stars float through the cosmos, assured of their place in it, cognizant of their connection to one another. And the cosmos remains eternally in awe, grateful.
This is all to say: I love you. I love you infinitely. Thank you for loving you. By doing so, you honor me, and nothing could make me happier.
God in You and As You
I am loved and adored by the Most High. I love myself as God loves me.