Burnished Love
Where there is great love there are always miracles.
Willa Cather
Who so loves believes the impossible.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
HERE WE ARE TOGETHER, love-light streaming across lifetimes and through galaxies and celestial bodies. We dip and burst, spin and bounce, unfurl and swirl. Delicately, intricately bound. Splendidly woven. Connected. I have always been with you. You are my dearest companion. I will continue to be with you – in sickness and in health, in goodness and in grace, until forever and beyond eternity.
“Why is this so?” you ask. With a love like ours, nothing is impossible. With a love like ours, new worlds are constantly being born. With a love like ours, healing is always happening. With a love like ours, everything is possible. This is a marvelous thing. We are unified in our glory and truth. We are converging into a new entity, a new way of being. I burnish you with my love, smoothing and polishing the edges – from alpha to omega – with the precision of an exacting sculptor. I then exhale into you, and you remember: every dawn’s first light, every moon, togetherness, me, agape love.
Perhaps you believe that if you believe in me, I will gift you the unattainable. The truth is it matters not how you feel about me. It matters most how you feel about us: If you remember our connection, if you pour your energy into seeing our oneness, if you dare to dream and affirm who and whose you are. Then you will manifest, thrive, heal, reveal, revel. You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased.
Now what will you do with this eternal life? Will you spin it into a web of brazen grace? Will you sing so boldly the birds flock at your feet? Will you kneel at the radiance of your inner light? Will you love infinitely?
God in You and As You
I stand at the precipice of a magnificent love and honor the love that I am. I love life!